Home buyers will not stay on your website without the hi-quality photos I provide them and will search the internet finding a realtor who does.
Sellers want their home on the internet quickly and will look to their agent for providing hi-quality photography;
my photos and quick turnaround give buyers a reason to come see the homes in person
YOURHOMESHOTS.COM has a proven track record that my photography will drive customers to your website,reduce your listing time and increase your home sales.
Aerial images:
Because many homes are situated on beautiful golf courses, landscaped preserves, or on waterways, they command a premium price. Aerial images are the only way to showcase these properties, which I recommend doing on most of my properties.
I studied architecture in NY and have the insight to see the angles that work best. And, being a NYC commercial photographer, I possess and use my intricate lighting knowledge that appears as natural light and showcases your property at its best!
Never hire a photographer on price alone; You do your clients and your company a disservice when using low-cost photography. Having a camera does not make a person a photographer.
As I tell my clients, “why drive a Chevy when you can have a Mercedes for a little bit more?”